FutureQuest, Inc. Battles Deceptive Marketing Techniques


FutureQuest, Inc. Battles Deceptive Marketing Techniques

Web Host Doubles Disk Space and Challenges the Industry

Orlando Florida - August 20, 2001 -- FutureQuest, Inc. made another stand against questionable marketing practices used by many web hosts, as they expanded each of their servers overall storage capacity. They also guaranteed that the newly doubled disk space offerings, recently announced at no extra charge, would be available without the use of hidden restrictions or deceptive marketing techniques.

It is common for a host to sell more disk space, than a server can realistically provide, with the assumption that not all web sites will actually use the amount of disk space advertised. However the strong competitive nature within the hosting industry appears to have pushed a number of hosts into what many consider to be deceptive marketing schemes, which border on the practice of false advertising, to survive.

In the midst of an extremely competitive environment, these hosts have begun offering an unrealistic amount of disk space while adding stronger, usually hidden, restrictions concerning the web sites that are to be serviced. This allows the host to continue advertising higher disk space allowances, yet surprises the site owner when they are informed of the restrictions that prevent them from actually using the advertised space. Even worse, they may find that their web site has been terminated all together and has suddenly disappeared! This potentially disastrous sales technique is becoming an accepted practice in the hosting industry and consumers will need to make themselves aware to avoid its wrath.

A site owner should never have to check their email each day wondering if a termination notice from their host has arrived. When a consumer purchases a service they should expect to receive what was advertised. This is too often not the case with web hosting. said Debbie Gillespie, CEO of FutureQuest, Inc. It s painful to see site owners scrambling to find a new host [while their web site is down] because their current host was not able to provide what was sold to them.

The FutureQuest web site now contains a list of items the site owner should look for when shopping for a host, some simple calculations that can be used to help the site owner decide the feasibility of the host s advertised offer, as well as resource links anyone with, or considering, a web site, may use to educate themselves prior to selecting a host. Please see http://www.FutureQuest.net/Beware/.

Prior to doubling the amount of disk space offered, FutureQuest upgraded all of their Community Servers to ensure overselling would not be an issue. Each server was equipped with larger hard drives that could withstand the capacity, while a handful of their older servers required complete rebuilds. The progress of each upgrade was documented on FutureQuest's Public Community Forums, found at http://www.Aota.net/forums/ where their clients, as well as competitors, could be actively involved and aware.

Andrew Gillespie, Chief Technology Officer and President of FutureQuest, Inc. added, "FutureQuest first doubled its hard drive capacity and then doubled its disk space offerings, without the need for fine print cluttered with ridiculous restrictions. Each account will receive what is advertised, I guarantee it. I challenge other hosts to do the same!"

-- FutureQuest, Inc., founded in January of 1998, provides high quality developer's servers for web sites that require more than the standard tools on community hosts. Via powerful scripting tools, such as PHP, Perl, Python, mod_rewrite, and MySQL, the site owners on a FutureQuest are able to develop dynamic and highly functional interactive web sites. For more information visit http://www.FutureQuest.net/.
Includes many fully functional features such as PHP, MySQL, CGI, POP Email, Mailing Lists, Pre-Insstalled scripts, 24/7 Support, Telnet, FTP, SSH, Streaming Audio/Video, Graphical Statistics, Raw Logs, Reseller Qualified, and a whole lot more!

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