Web Hosting World Awaits Helm 4 Release; Businesses Can Become Affiliated with Product

September 4, 2006
September 4, 2006 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – As the web hosting world awaits the release of the Helm 4 Web Host Automation, developers of the solution have “launched a unique opportunity to become affiliated with the eagerly awaited product, ahead of its release” - businesses are able to join a new affiliate program and generate revenue through selling the solution.

According to Web Host Automation (http://www.webhostautomation.com), the Helm developers, their affiliate program offers a basic commission rate of 30 percent which it claims “is three times what is offered by competitors”. There is no financial commitment required of people joining the program.

“The windows platform is becoming more and more important, and with the launch of Helm 4 just around the corner, this is a fantastic opportunity for many businesses to get involved ahead of the new product launching,” said Mark Hall, founder of Web Host Automation. Mr. Hall added, “This is an exciting time for Web Host Automation and this is an opportunity for more people to get involved in these exciting times, having the opportunity to affiliate with one of the key web hosting products. We are expecting huge demand for the program, so will see a massive increase in the number of users benefiting from what Helm offers.”

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