Web Hosting Interview - Web Host Most December 2023

Web Hosting Interview - Web Host Most December 2023

Valentin Scerbacov, CEO at Web Host Most

HostSearch interviewed Valentin Scerbacov, CEO at Web Host Most - the ultimate website hosting provider.

  • HOSTSEARCH: Valentin, thank you for giving us an opportunity to talk with you today. Can you please tell us more about yourself and your background?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to speak to your audience today. My name is Valentin Scerbacov.
    As of today, I’m leading two brands - Blue Bee Web, Inc and Web Host Most, LLC with the best team in the world behind both that has converted from a small group of two enthusiasts into an extensive community sharing values and vision that helps solve global problems to make people’s life easier.
    My passion for computer science has been endless since I was born, and by the age of 13 I’ve realized that my professional path is toward Web Development and open-source Operating Systems Administration. My first website was made when I was 14, so since then, the world of web hosting has become closer to me.
    Experiencing all sorts of different situations, problems, and the lack of functionality along the way when building and hosting websites, led to the idea of creating the best web hosting out there.
    So, in short, this is how I’ve got here today.
  • HOSTSEARCH: Can you please tell us more about the Web Host Most?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: Sure. Web Host Most is not just another web hosting. It’s a professional tool for web developers that helps create and host websites of any type much faster and in a secure environment, without performance limitations.

    Web Host Most is my answer to all the other web hosting providers in terms of security, functionality, ease of use, performance, and pricing.

    Besides everything, people finally have access to the true 125Mb Forever-Free Website Hosting plan along with a free subdomain offered by the hosting. I’m calling this a true free plan because it’s giving you full potential with no limits and no Ads.
  • HOSTSEARCH: Can you tell us more about the free plan, Valentin? Don’t you think it’s too low of a space to offer?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: Great question. Indeed, 125Mb is more than enough for the majority of small web projects, as well as it’s enough for the majority of test projects.

    For instance, an underachieved WordPress CMS weighs 64Mb. Get some lightweight theme and a few plugins installed and you’ll be at around 100-110Mb. I think it’s fair amount of space for free, considering all the other features you are getting along with your plan.

    The most important thing I want to address here is giving new abilities to people in the web development world. By offering a free hosting plan with a free subdomain it’s easier than ever to learn website development and build test projects for different purposes.
  • HOSTSEARCH: What is so unique about other web hosting plans offered by Web Host Most?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: Our strategy is much different from other providers. We don’t limit anything, besides the disk space. Each plan, even the free one, shares unlimited performance, free SSL, no Ads, intuitive web panel, and A+ security.

    I believe that everybody deserves all the best features offered by Web Host Most.
  • HOSTSEARCH: I noticed that you're claiming the WordPress Optimized web servers. What are the advantages for customers using this service?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: WordPress is the most popular CMS on the internet. It requires the web server with certain configurations, such as caching mechanism, security, speed, and other parameters that will make WordPress work exceptional on the server.

    Obviously, the better the WordPress is operating, the better and faster is your website, and more likely you’ll get a higher SEO ranking and more conversions because of the page speed.
  • HOSTSEARCH: You say that Web Host Most offers free SSL. But what are the SSL you are selling on the website?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: Yes, each web hosting plan comes with a free SSL certificate, but you can’t use it outside the web server.

    The SSL certificates we sell on the website are independent certificates that you can use anywhere, anytime. Also, paid SSL certificates offer insurance.
  • HOSTSEARCH: What level of support do you provide? Can you please tell us more about how Web Host Most supports the customers?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: We provide only ticketing support for all of our clients. It’s convenient and easy to use for both, the support team and the end user.

    We also offer Docs sections with useful articles on how to use the entire platform.
  • HOSTSEARCH: As you are CEO at Web Host Most, what are the factors that make you successful in this industry?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: I think it’s my will to change people’s lives for the better, along with the experience I’ve got so far to create software solutions.
  • HOSTSEARCH: Do you plan for any new products or services in the coming year?
    VALENTIN SCERBACOV: Yes, we are planning to add two more NS servers within the next year, and work hard on professional translations to other languages as well.

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