Web Hosting Activities at ISPCON 2006

February 1, 2007 by Derek Vaughan

ISPCON Fall 2006 is scheduled to be held from November 7th - 9th, 2006 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California.

This year`s conference will include many industry luminaries and outstanding keynote presentations. Additionally, this year ISPCON will feature a separate `hosting` track that will address the needs of small businesses seeking web hosting and professional webmasters who interact with web hosts on a regular basis.

This year`s web hosting speaker lineup includes:

Five Best-kept Secrets of Marketing your Hosting Company: Insider`s Perspective - This expert panel will address a great need by website owners: promoting their website and getting their website listed on the leading industry portals, while converting visitors into customers. Panelists will include: Derek Vaughan, Chief Marketing Officer, TechPad Agency and WebsiteHostDirectory.com, and Lou Honick, CEO of HostMySite.com who commented, ``I am thrilled to be able to share my experience with other entrepreneurs who are looking to market their company more effectively. It`s an honor to be included on a panel with industry experts such as Derek Vaughan from TechPad Agency. I`m confident that anyone who attends the panel will leave with new and exciting ideas to increase exposure for their company.``

Other industry experts presenting at ISPCON include: Chris Faulkner, CEO of C I Host, Doug Erwin, Chairman and CEO, EV1Servers/The Planet, Robert E. Leibholz, Vice President, Sales and Business Development, Intermedia.NET, William Toll, Product Marketing Manager, Intermedia.NET, and Ted Smith, Vice President, Dedicated Hosting, PEER 1.

Derek Vaughan, Chief Marketing Officer with TechPad Agency and WebsiteHostDirectory.com said, ``ISPCON is a great opportunity for small businesses and webmasters to get expert information from the top minds in the web hosting industry. It will also be a tremendous venue for networking among web hosts.``

Hosting Reliable and Profitable Exchange Services - This session brings together a great lineup of hosted exchange professionals to discuss the implementation of an exchange program. According to the ISPCON.com website, the session will cover Microsoft Exchange an the explosive growth that analysts had predicted a few years ago. In the session, one will learn what it takes to add this high-value, high profit service to a portfolio, how to profit from various add-ons in the marketplace, what common price and profit points are, licensing considerations, and how to avoid the pitfalls.

Another great session is entitled, Seven Reasons Why Hosting is HOT (and getting hotter) Right Now. The talk will be delivered by the CEO of newly merged EV1Servers and ThePlanet, Doug Erwin. EV Servers / The Planet is now a company with a combined 50,000+ server infrastructure. Also importantly, Mr. Irwin serves a community of several thousand web hosting providers who run their businesses on his company`s servers. Mr. Irwin will offer his top picks for technology and service innovations that will keep web hosting relevant and profitable going forward and ones that show the most promise from his unique vantage point.

Regarding the value of attending ISPCON, William Toll, Product Marketing Manager with Intermedia.NET added, ``Hosting is a highly competitive business and many hosts face declining revenues. Therefore, we believe ISPCON is a great place where hosting companies can learn about new services they can resell, such as Intermedia.NET`s instant private label Microsoft Exchange and SharePoint reseller program.``

To learn more about ISPCON please visit: www.ispcon.com.

About Derek Vaughan
Derek Vaughan appears courtesy of the hosting experts at TechPad Agency.

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