CloudOYE Reviews

14 reviews of CloudOYE
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Penny Jepson

Amazing Cloud Hosting Services
Today, all the cloud hosts are offering the same features in the hosting services. But, the fact is that they don't fulfill the client requirements as promised by them. CloudOYE is a best company that delivers what they have promised to customers.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2014

Andrew Deniehy

Great Hosting Service Provider
My e-commerce website was hosted with a physical server and I was not aware about cloud hosting solution. I read about cloud on web and thought of giving a try to it. One of my friends asks me to reach to CloudOYE. I am amazed by their professionalism.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2003

Allene Johnson

Amazing Cloud Hosting Services
CloudOYE is an exceptional business with great work ethics in place. The experts working with the company are trained, experienced and certified professionals who managed my entire cloud base service efficiently avoiding any glitches or stoppages.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2014

Karry Layton

Best Cloud Hosting Provider
Initially I was skeptical moving my websites to cloud. I chose online cloud hosting environment to host my e-commerce website. Trust me; I have never ever faced network downtime, or technical glitches with this unparalleled platform.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2015

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