RackForce Reviews

24 reviews of RackForce
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N. Edwards

Terrible experience. My DDS200 server is offline as I type this. They are not supporting RedHat anymore and sent me an email to change my account if I wanted continued support. Some loyalty... a different account is going to cost more! Cancelled!

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2006 - September, 2007


Terrible company. Rackforce is slow to respond (I never received a callback from tech support), has terrible, unreliable service (their nullroute system stopped traffic to my site for up to 40 minutes a day and is not compatible with ScanAlert, and are pr

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2007 - August, 2007


I have had problems with my sites from day one with this company. The ftp server has to be rebooted at least once a week. The clincher is that they have upped bandwidth on all new accounts but will not allow existing customers the same deal. Some loyalty

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2007 - July, 2007


I was previously a client for a year between 2004-2005 and signed back up again in 2006. My first server was the basic dds package ($25/mo) and now i've signed up with the dds200. Network stability is really good now.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2004 - October, 2006


I have been with RackForce from its inception. The price, service and value is without equal. Tech support is great. Everyone in the company strives to make it your best hosting experience ever. It's THE place for competent sysadmins to host their sites.

Services Period: Past customer during October, 2000 - October, 2006


I have a basic dds200 that I use for a few smaller sites which get a few surges of traffic now and then. I also have a couple of servers in their co-location facility. Uptime has been great and i haven't needed to even use their support.

Services Period: Past customer during November, 2005 - October, 2006


RackForce has been excellent to work with. Only one outage in the last six months and they have gotten consistently better. Tickets are usually answered within 20 minutes which is great too.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2002 - October, 2007

R Wilkerson

I like Rackforce - they're the best hosting company I 've had in ten years. They did go down this morning, my server went down about two hours ago. Unless I'm mistaken they're under an evacuation alert for wildfires, which is why they can't be reached

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2004 - October, 2006


It was good for a while.
Now we have been down for hours and even their homepage won't load. No answer at any of the support lines etc.

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2006 - September, 2006


They are down and I am unable to access via phone, help desk, nothing.. They are MIA

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2004 - December, 2006

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