YOORshop Reviews

73 reviews of YOORshop
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best hoster
I hesitate a long time but I realise that yoorshop is the best hoster.
I strongly recommand it!!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2017



I am at Yoorshop since 2016, their prices are very competitive as well as their servers which are fast and reliable. A good French web host that helps its clients when there is a technical problem.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since October, 2016


yoorshop is my shop
everything goes all right here !

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since March, 2015

Applications Android France

Un bon hébergeur français
Je suis chez eux depuis 2015, leurs prix sont très bons ainsi que leurs serveurs qu'ils ont su améliorer au fil des années. Un bon hébergeur français qui répond aussi plus rapidement à  ses clients lorsqu'il peut y avoir un petit accident techniqu

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since December, 2015


ITA antennas...
Fast and quality service, price very interesting... Do not wait any longer, go to YOORshop !

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since December, 2016

Renaux P

Good experience
I work with Yoorshop for 2 years and everything goes well.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2015


à recommander
Rapides, disponibles, professionnels

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2015


We were staying at a big web host and decided to trust Yoorshop because our server was never stable, since we no longer have any worries, it's perfect.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since May, 2016

Les Mitrons

Excellent french web host
Proposing a payment cycle per month is great, see not found elsewhere. As for the SAV they are present all the time at 8am, 4pm or 2pm there is always someone to help you.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since March, 2015

Sven VS

Fast & friendly service! +++
Those guys do a great job, i know that my webshop is in great hands with them.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2015

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