Among many choices one has to make when deciding what type of web hosting to use, there is a question of whether to go with reseller hosting or shared hosting. Although you can find many people on the internet claiming that reseller hosting is more cost effective and saves you money (even earns you money), this is not necessarily true. In this article we will try to point out why shared hosting might be a better idea for your website if you are primarily interested in having your website hosted and not in making money through web hosting.
The main difference between these two types of hosting accounts is that with a shared account you get a part of the server resources to use for purposes of building your website, while with a reseller account you get a certain amount of server resources which are then free for you to re-sell them and earn money in the process. Your host will take care of server maintenance and will retain control over server giving you only limited control, and effectively making you a middleman in the hosting business.
The first thing we need to consider when we compare the two hosting plans mentioned above is the fact that in commercial web hosting there is no such thing as non-shared hosting, unless we are talking about dedicated hosting. Although advocates of reseller hosting will say that one of its benefits is that you don’t share hosting with other people, in reality this is far from true. You share it with less people, that is very often a fact, but you still share it because reseller hosting is not dedicated by default.
Another misconception about reseller hosting is that you make money by just re-selling your space. The fact is - you will make money with reseller account, however, you will also need to work for that money, because you will be obliged to offer customer support, which is an extremely demanding thing to do.
One more thing you can read on the internet which is not true is that you cannot host multiple domains on shared hosting. Although there are some companies which limit your shared hosting to only one domain, if you search well enough you will find numerous other companies which will offer you to host multiple domains but won’t require you to apply for a reseller account.
The conclusion we can get from all the aforementioned facts is that, unless you are interested in the very process of reselling hosting and earning money this way, you shouldn’t go for reseller packages. Reselling web hosting is a great way to start your own hosting business, but if you are just a web site owner concerned with the quality of service you get and you really need to upgrade your website from shared hosting, do it by upgrading it to dedicated hosting, cause this is the only way to be sure that your website is alone on the server.
After reading this article I have to change my mind while I am choosing a webhosting. Some people convinced me to buy a reseller hosting. They showed me some advantage of reseller hosting and their main point was that, with a reseller account I get a certain amount of server resources which are then free for me to re-sell them and earn money in the process. But they did not tell me about the maintenance cost and customer service which is very difficult. Anyway I’ve contacted with for a reseller webhosting. But I’ve changed my mind and will go for a shared webhosting. I know that they are one of the best webhosting provider. As best webhosting providers they will understand my problem and will provide me a best webhosting service.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
After reading this article I have to change my mind while I am choosing a webhosting. Some people convinced me to buy a reseller hosting. They showed me some advantage of reseller hosting and their main point was that, with a reseller account I get a certain amount of server resources which are then free for me to re-sell them and earn money in the process. But they did not tell me about the maintenance cost and customer service which is very difficult. Anyway I’ve contacted with for a reseller webhosting. But I’ve changed my mind and will go for a shared webhosting. As a best webhosting providers they will understand my problem and will provide me a best webhosting service.