Osiris Communications

Osiris Communications

Osiris Communications

Address: 5201 Great America Parkway
Suite 320
Santa Clara CA 95054
United States

Phone:888.4.OSIRIS Fax:N/A
Founded in 1997 with the mission to provide Rock Solid Hosting™, we are committed to serving our customers through a broad range of affordable services, including high-quality web hosting, Virtual Private Server, Managed Server, Colocation and e-commerce solutions.

Our Primary Data Center
The major gateway of all Silicon Valley data peering, CoreSite is located in the heart of downtown San Jose, California. With 70% of the Internet traffic from the Western United States and 40% of the world Internet traffic passing through the building, Market Post Tower truly is a nexus of international data routing.

Built in 1984 and renovated in 2001, the 309,000 square-foot data center and office building is often referred to as the “Gold Building” due to its golden glass reflection. CoreSite San Jose has been at the heart of the world’s Internet routes since the MAE-West emerged there in the late 1990s.

CoreSite’s San Jose data center has diverse fiber points of entry and excellent rooftop line-of-site opportunities. CoreSite San Jose offers customers the ability to connect to over 100 onsite networks and service providers as well as nearly 200 through Any2 California, CoreSite’s distributed exchange point that connects the company’s California data centers.

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