


Address: Sha Tin

Hong Kong

Phone:+852 8193 2813 Fax:N/A
RackMine Limited is a privately owned outsourced infrastructure company established in Hong Kong. With the convergence of internet, telecommunications, media, wireless and web-based technologies, businesses are presented with an enormous transforming power of the digital revolution to tap into new emerging markets.
A member of Genuine Intel Dealer (GID) and part of Intel e-Business Network has enable us to provide our valued clients a stable platform of proven Intel Network Servers.

Our understanding of advance technologies has allowed us to develop one of the most stable and responsive hosting environment for any web sites.

Over 4,500 sites from over 70 countries hosting at our infrastructure. Our state-of-the-art Data Centers are equipped to offer high speed connectivity and large bandwidth with innovative solutions that will enable businesses to build their online presence and fully capitalize on the new business opportunities in the e-marketplace.

We understands that a sophisticated Data Centre is meaningless if your server crashes. To this end, we have a complete monitoring system which includes an expert system that both monitors the server and can automatically repair problems without a technician assistance. 90% of all web server problem can be solved by our monitoring system within 1-2 minutes. If a problem is not solved automatically, our skilled technicians are on site to complete the task.

Top 3 Hosts From Our Search

1BlueRay Concepts