The Beginning Many people have had a poor experience with a hosting company, you have probably had one too. It’s an industry which is easy to get started in but extremely hard to do well, and back in 2004 options were limited, especially in New Zealand.
People wanted a hosting company that they could rely on to run their successful projects, so did Quintin and Nathan. That’s how SiteHost started. One small server used to sell Shared Hosting with a focus on customer service and many sleepless nights.
It worked. Customers started coming in and SiteHost quickly grew. More servers were purchased, the team expanded and the office moved. The rest they say is history, which really means over a decade of hard work, some lows and some big highs in a rapidly changing industry.
SiteHost Today The hosting industry has changed dramatically and we have with it. Our team is bigger, we have thousands of customers and we have decades of combined experience, but our goals remain the same.
We still work hard each day to provide a better experience than our competitors. Thankfully the standard is higher than it was back in 2004, but that’s okay. We believe it can be even better, plus we love a challenge.