125Mb Forever Free Web Hosting
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!
We are using latest Intel Xeon processors with DDR3 ECC RAM.KandyanHost services are provied by secure KVM-based hypervisor and servers are powered by 100% Intel 520 series SSDs.Fully meshed and redundant network connectivity.KandyanHost operates in NewYork City,NY-Data Center.
Customer satisfaction is our main target and goal.KandyanHost is committed to customer satisfaction and every account is backed by a 7-day money-back guarantee.Whatever reason you can contact us within 7 days and we will refund your money in full. It is 100% Risk-Free.
Every our Reseller plans provide rock-solid reliability, affordable pricing and 100% uptime guarantee (SLA) with powered by 100% Intel 520 series SSDs and 24x7 support.
No matter what is happening on the server, Cloud instances with resources that are dedicated to only that individual instance. None of your resources are shared (RAM,HDD ect)with any other customers excluding the physical CPUs in Data Center hypervisors.
KandyanHost Data Center has integrated with Arbor Networks' PeakFlow device. The PeakFlow system is a system that can detect and thwart incoming and outgoing DDoS attacks ,And also Data Center's DDoS-protected Network has a variety of Cisco-based firewall options for ensuring your Internet presence stays safe and secure at all times.In addition, you can write custom firewall rules based on originating IPs, protocols, and ports.
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!