125Mb Forever Free Web Hosting
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!
* Windows Server 2008 R2 64-Bit
* Hyper-V Virtualization
Dedicated server grade ECC RAM, Raid 10 HDD space, ability to revert to snapshot, make backup of whole system image, latest Quad Core Xeon Nehalem 56xx processor speed, RAID controller with its own memory, and lot more.
Windows VPS Plans are powered by Windows Server 2008 and virtualized using Microsoft's Hyper-V technology, the leading choice for Windows Virtual Private Servers.
* It uses an architecture with a bus structure, which ensures that the one-to-one communication between the guest machines and the parent machines happens very efficiently and very safely.
* It is safer because the virtualization is built into Windows Server 2008, which was especially designed for this.
* It offers complete autonomy because every virtual machine can have its own safety policy and own patch management, specifically for the application that is running on that server.
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!