125Mb Forever Free Web Hosting
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!
Basic - 1GB Disk Space, 10GB Monthly Bandwidth, 1 Mysql Database, Unlimited Parked Domain, SubDomain, Email Account, 0 Add-On Domain.
Super - 3GB Disk Space, 10GB Monthly Bandwidth, 30 Mysql Database, Unlimited Parked Domain, SubDomain, Email Account, 1 Add-On Domain.
Mega - 5GB Disk Space, 10GB Monthly Bandwidth, 50 Mysql Database, Unlimited Parked Domain, SubDomain, Email Account, 2 Add-On Domain.
Basic, Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, 2x 2TB SATA HDD
Super, Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, 2x 2TB HDD
Mega, Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, 2x 3TB HDD
GEO 1, Intel Xeon 24x 2.66 GHz, 16GB RAM, 2x 146GB SAS HDD
GEO 2, Intel Xeon, 32GB RAM, 2x 146GB + 500GB SSD HDD
GEO 3, Intel Xeon, 48GB RAM, 2x 146GB + 2x 500GB HDD
Custom 1, Intel Core i7 8x 2.66 GHz, 48 GB RAM, 4TB SATA HDD
Custom 2, Intel Core i7 8x 3.80 GHz, 64 GB RAM, 6TB HDD
Custom 3, Intel Core i7, 64 GB RAM, 8TB SATA HDD
Custom 4, Intel Core i7, 256 GB RAM, 8TB SATA HDD
VZDS 1, Intel Core i7 8x 3.90 GHz, 32GB RAM, 4TB SATA HDD
VZDS 2, Intel Core i7, 48GB RAM, 4TB HDD
VZDS 3, Intel Core i7 8x 4.00 GHz, 64GB RAM, 4TB HDD
GDS 1, Intel Core i7 8x 4.00 GHz, 6GB RAM, 120GB SSD HDD
GDS 2, Intel Core i7, 6GB RAM, 240GB HDD
MCDS 1, Intel Core i7, 32GB RAM, 240GB SSD HDD
MCDS 2, Intel Core i7, 64GB RAM, 480GB SSD HDD
SBDS 1, Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, 9TB SATA HDD
SBDS 2, Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM,16TB SATA HDD
SBDS 3, Intel Core i7 16GB RAM, 21TB SATA HDD
SSD VPS In Germany and Georgia - SSD 01, CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 4GHz, 1 GB DDR4, 30 GB SSD HDD
SSD VPS In Germany and Georgia - SSD 02, CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 4GHz, 2 GB DDR4, 50 GB SSD HDD
SSD VPS In Germany and Georgia - SSD 03, CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 6GHz, 4 GB DDR4, 100 GB SSD HDD
SSD VPS In Germany and Georgia - SSD 04, CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 6GHz, 8 GB DDR4, 150 GB SSD HDD
Storage VPS In Multi Location (Germany, Canada, France, UK and USA) - Basic, CPU: 4GHz, 1 GB DDR4, 50 GB Enterprise HDD
Storage VPS In Multi Location (Germany, Canada, France, UK and USA) - Super, CPU: 4GHz, 2 GB DDR4, 100 GB Enterprise HDD
Storage VPS In Multi Location (Germany, Canada, France, UK and USA) - Mega, CPU: 4GHz, 3 GB DDR4, 150 GB Enterprise HDD
Storage VPS In Multi Location (Germany, Canada, France, UK and USA) - Premium, CPU: 4GHz, 4 GB DDR4, 200 GB Enterprise HDD
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CX11, 1GHz CPU, 2 GB RAM DDR4, 20 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CX21, 1GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM DDR4, 40 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CX31, 1GHz CPU, 8 GB RAM DDR4, 80 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CX41, 1GHz CPU, 16 GB RAM DDR4, 160 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CCX11, 1GHz CPU, 8 GB RAM DDR4, 80 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CCX21, 1GHz CPU, 16 GB RAM DDR4, 160 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CCX31, 1GHz CPU, 32 GB RAM DDR4, 240 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
Cloud VPS in Germany and Finland - CCX41, 1GHz CPU, 64 GB RAM DDR4, 360 GB Nvme SSD, 20 TB Traffic, DDoS protection
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!