Wayne Whitley
Transferred oven when previous just disappeared. Highly satisfied!
Company Response: N/A
Transferred oven when previous just disappeared. Highly satisfied!
Company Response: N/A
Great Value. Good customer Support. No extra charge for Secure Server and shared Certificate
Company Response: Cust Support could respond a little faster; but ALWAYS get an answer
Really on top of supporting their customers and offer Mucho Bang for the buck bar none!
Company Response: Connecting to SQL2000 via microsoft SQL manager is very slow!
Great tech support. Willing to go the extra mile! Have 2 sites now with more to add.
Company Response: No 800 Phone support. Not a issue with me, but maybe others?
Excellent value and customer service
Company Response: N/A
For the price, you cannot beat it. Service is impecable and timely. Domain setups, fast as hell!
Company Response: Slow during peak hours, but fine at night, choose them!
Amazing amount of space, bandwidth and email allowed! Great people with perfect customer service.
Company Response: Sometimes upload of very large files (60Mb) is slow, but I that could be slow internet.
Price. Up-time. Ease of use. Great service. The best!
Company Response: None.
Excellent value for small business or personal websites.
Company Response: Slow during peak hours. (Expected with shared environment.)
Great Tech Support and reliability
Company Response: N/A
No shady tactics or fees. Unlimited Performance, Security, & Speed!