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Marketing Rebel

Terrible Customer Support + Slow Dedicated Server
I finally bit the bullet & dumped AQHost after 8 years. Support is erratic. They denied problems until we proved their server settings was the cause. They even went as far a denying they hosted some of my sites when they were down. Good riddance.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2009


I moved my hosting from another provider. It was easy. I ran into trouble and had great success with online help. Their tutorials are great, but a little slow for users that know what their doing. Need more help/FAQ for Moveable Type installs.

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2006 - September, 2006


I was treated harshly by Simon (owner of AQHost) when I accidentily caused a server hand due to a typo in one of my Movable Type templates.

Problem was caused by an honest mistake, but I was never given a chance to resolve or explain what happend.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2005 - January, 2006


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