CanSpace Reviews

67 reviews of CanSpace
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Lilly Oconnor

Great site for webdevs
I'm working on a small project for a Canadian non-profit and needed a place to host it for them. We chose CanSpace because one of their employees hosts his personal blog with them and has had a good experience for many years. Overall my experience has been excellent... I rarely go out of my way to leave positive reviews but CanSpace really deserves it. Even when I reach out with complex Wordpress-development questions their support team is always extremely helpful. Quite frankly I would not have been able to complete this project without them.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2024

Albert Merrill

CanSpace is amazing
I have a Wordpress site and one day it just stopped working out of the blue. I contacted my previous hosting provider (a big US-based one) and they said there was nothing they could do. After some research I called CanSpace and asked if I migrated to them if they would help me fix it. They didn't guarantee they could, but they said they would do their best. Sure enough, after migrating to CanSpace, my site was up and running in about 10 minutes. Apparently it was just an issue with one plugin. To think if my previous hosting provider had just spent 10 minutes helping me they could have had a client for life. Anyway I'm much happier with CanSpace now and would rather have my site in Canada.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2024

Eddie Herrera

Good experience with CanSpace so far
I just came across an ad for CanSpace on Facebook and decided to give them a try. I've been procrastinating with building my business website for months now so I decided the long weekend was a good time to start. The price was excellent compared to other options I was looking at, and their web based site builder is extremely intuitive - I literally had my business site up and running in about an hour, which makes me feel silly for putting it off so long.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since February, 2024

Fraser Cole

Best server provider in Canada
We have had dedicated servers with about 10 different providers across Canada. We've been so happy with the support and pricing at CanSpace that we just finished consolidating ALL of our servers to CanSpace. Believe me I can say with first hand experience that the service CanSpace provides is literally better than any host in Canada - I've tried them all.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2024

Franklin Dunn

Happy with CanSpace
I have been stockpiling .ca domains with CanSpace over the years since they have the best prices on them. Most of the domains were just ideas for projects that I had, so I reserved the names in case I ever decided to make something of them. I finally decided to bite the bullet and actually build a website for one of these ideas and decided to go with CanSpace for the hosting as well. I emailed about 7 providers in Canada asking a bunch of (admittedly basic) questions, and CanSpace replied first, with the most thorough answers, so I chose them. So far the experience has been great and their support team is as responsive as their sales team.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since November, 2023

Linda Mcgrath

Best registrar in Canada
I had my domains with Google Domains until they shut down a few months ago, and have been looking for a new registrar ever since. I tried several, but eventually settled on CanSpace as they seem to offer the best combination of value, features, and support. Billing in Canadian dollars is also a bonus. I always get a response via their live chat in a matter of seconds, and they are always extremely thorough. In fact as a result of their great service I also decided to sign up for a hosting package with them and so far it has also been great.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since November, 2023

Ranjit Singh

Amazing Wordpress host
Another happy customer here. I moved about 5 of my own personal Wordpress sites over to these guys and it's been smooth sailing so far. I was with GoDaddy for over 4 years, and as much as I was not satisfied with them, I stayed there thinking that migrating over would be a difficult process, but CanSpace literally did the entire migration for me without me having to do anything. If you are thinking about switching - do it!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2023

Thomas Bradley

Best Wordpress host in Canada
I run a medium-sized web development agency specializing in WordPress. We host our clients' websites on a variety of hosting providers around Canada and we have found that CanSpace consistently has both the best support, as well as the fastest servers by a fairly wide margin. Going forward we'll be consolidating all of our sites with CanSpace. I'm posting this review to save others the headache of having to choose a host by trial and error - CanSpace really is the best choice.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2023

Heather Pilger

Happy CanSpace customer
I have a small web design firm and when my clients ask for recommendations for where to host their sites, I always direct them to CanSpace. To date I have sent them over a dozen clients and every single one of them has thanked me for the recommendation. I build primarily Wordpress websites, but they are also great for Python-based apps too.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since August, 2023

Giorgi Petrov

Good Wordpress hosting provider
We have about 10 Wordpress websites for different brands, and managing and keeping everything up to date was an absolute nightmare. CanSpace helped us to consolidate these sites into a single Multisite instance and also updated everything for us. With our previous host one of our sites was getting hacked almost every week, but since moving to CanSpace 2 months ago we have had literally ZERO hacks happen. This has saved us so much headache I cannot even begin to describe how grateful we are to CanSpace.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2023

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