Cheeky Monkey Hosting Reviews

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About Cheeky Monkey Hosting

Cheeky Monkey Hosting specialises in web hosting and email hosting. We are a Registrar Agent and register domain names on behalf of our clients and have skilled graphic designers and web developers on hand.Cheeky Monkey Hosting's Head Office and Data Centre is located in the City of Sails - Auckland, North Island of New Zealand.Cheeky Monkey Hosting supports the SPCA by donating 5% of our profits to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Cheeky Monkey Hosting is fully owned by private interests in New Zealand. Our focus is on hosting websites from around the South Pacific, from small and medium sized businesses to clubs and family sites. The Cheeky Monkey Hosting network and servers are monitored by Qualified technicians 24/7 - minimising any interruption to your website.With Cheeky Monkey Hosting, you have the peace of mind knowing that all our hosting accounts are covered by our network & server up-time guarantees.

Address: PO Box 31228
Milford 0741
New Zealand

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