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About Crunchbits

Crunchbits is a premium hosting company located in the United States. Our team has over 40 years of combined experience, and we offer pure NVMe storage with all of our VPS plans. Our 3GHz+ HF VPS plans and Ryzen 5950X plans offer extreme CPU speeds, and every hypervisor has multiple dedicated uplinks to our core and edge networks. We also have best-effort DDoS protection included for all services we offer. Everything from the rack switches, to the core, and finally to our edge is run on enterprise-class Juniper hardware. While every service we offer is unmanaged, we do still have on-site knowledgeable staff for any issues or concerns that might come up. Open a ticket anyime or check out our knowledge base for common questions. For more information about our services, please visit our site at &

Address: 1309 Coffeen Avenue, Ste 4204
Sheridan WY 82801
United States


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