eApps Reviews

31 reviews of eApps
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Ivan Sanchez

Operations Manager
We have had good results and are very satisfied with the service.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2008

Warren Mark Silva

eApps Email Hosting
eApps is comparable to other hosting company in terms on its pricing, uptime and quality of service. The email support is also good, however, it is best to have at least a visual step by step procedure.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2014

Eric Lozaga

Been a customer for over 10 years and counting
I've been with eApps for 10 years and counting. That's longer than most marriages! Their staff is great and what they offer is excellent. This is not your $5 host. If you have a serious website, you need a serious host. Give eApps a try today!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2005


Excelente servicio tecnico en español!
una de las ventajas que he encontrado con este proveedor es su excelente atencion en español de sus servicios, el servicio es magnifico y sobre todo estan actualizados!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2010

Hussein Adebayo

eApps is great
eApps is a great web hosting platform. However, their services are really expensive and they should endeavour to reduce the cost.
Also, more tutorials should be provided regarding the use of the platform.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since December, 2014

Henry MCusker

eAPPS has never let me down!
A ... very satisfied user!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since March, 2015

Tyler Johnson

Their quality must have dropped from the time the previous reviews were written. When is the website down? Better question, when is the website up!? They're making me pay them to monitor the site in order to even keep it up! It's down 20 times a day!

Company Response: Tyler was obviously upset. He agreed to 2 months free monitoring to ID timing of site issues. We installed CSF firewall & LFD for process tracking & blocking unwanted IPs & swapped MyISAM w/ InnoDB at no charge. His site has been running fine since.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2012

Moshe Frankel

Best hosting and getting better
Moved to eAaps with complex Tomcat, MySQL and Drupal. Clearly best support encountered, On eApps I started with VPS Parallels but moved to cloud ISP which enable changing server parameters dynamically with prorated real time billing - perfect.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2009 - October, 2012


I have been with eapps for around 2 years now and I am very delighted with their operational support and price. I have recently migrated my website to cloud VPS and its absolutely fascinating.
I give 10 out of 10 points to them.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2009 - November, 2011

Anila Arthanari

I've been with eApps for over a month now and they've been great. I have my new site www.scoutmyspot.com hosted with them. This is a tomcat with mysql implementation with the standard control panel. Always got timely response on support issues.

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2011 - September, 2011

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