Earthlink Reviews

4 reviews of Earthlink
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Bhavani Kodali

Poor tech support
If it works, great. If a problem occurs, non technical users of the site know more than the tech support. Backend team not sure if they complete the job. After 24 years, will move my site to a new vendor. I will give them three more days to fix.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since March, 2001


Earthlink web host services down graded
Earthlink badly needs a proper knowledge base / discussion forums to provide accurate information, saving time, money and frustrations to everyone. After over 15 years with Earthlink, my customer loyalty has worn out.

Services Period: Past customer during July, 2001 - December, 2012


when things go wrong, there is no help.
Current problem is ongoing for two weeks. every time I contact them I am told it will most likely be resolved in the next few hours and no more then 73 hrs at the most. Being 72 houred to death.

Services Period: Past customer during November, 2001 - June, 2012


Terrible tech support makes for a frustrating waste of time trying to accomplish relatively simple tasks. Earthlink has cost me time, money and my reputation with one of my clients. STAY AWAY FROM EARTHLINK WEB HOSTING!

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2005 - November, 2007

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