HostSave Reviews

13 reviews of HostSave
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  • Price & Value for Money

a mays

1st site 6/2001+ 2nd site (non-profit org) 4/2004+ 3rd site 4/2006+. User-friendly control panel & email accts; email changes go into effect instantly. Never had billing problems. Some problems can’t be solved in an instant, but tech support has been resp

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2001 - November, 2006

John Denton

I have been with HostSave for just over a year and I must say that they are far better than the others I have tried. I think I have finally found a decent home with HostSave. I would highly recommend them!

Thank you,
John Denton

Services Period: Past customer during July, 2004 - September, 2005


Easy FrontPage publishing

Company Response: N/A

Bill Houle

Fast setup, low cost. Never had uptime issue. Good value for the $$ *if* there are no problems.

Company Response: Support is atrocious. Mail can be slow. And did I mention that support sucks? Oh and also, support is terrible. There are better values out there.


Low cost. Fast setup

Company Response: Terrible email... Tech support is non-existant!!!



Company Response: Down constantly. No cust support. Billing horrible (took 6 months to cancel account).

Tommy Donovan

Good price for BASIC unix server hosting.

Company Response:


None noted

Company Response: DNS fuckups, no answer to e-mails, billing is screwed up, e-mail is up 50% of the time

Stuart Allen


Company Response: Horrible service. Nightmare tech support and billing. Avoid this company

Jim Anderson

Host was fast and always available

Company Response: Billing errors; no reply to inquiries; showed a cancelled check and they ignored it

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