20 reviews of
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R - recent issues and resolution
Hello, I have read these reviews and they ALMOST made me switch. The servers on are fast and realiable. I have been with them since 2008. Recently I did have an issue with the Support Team. But I found that emailing billing support is helpful

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2008


Worst hosting and customer service award to imhosted
Week in week out no live chat.
Support is useless and a 5 year old could offer better technical service and advice.
They refused a refund and stuffed up my billing and accounts for months on end to extent could not use my websites.
Stay away from this

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2009

Ferris L. Price V

Since retiring from hosting, I've had major problems shutting down my account- 11 days and counting.
Judging by accent, their support has been outsourced to India and has been worse than useless!
No problems w/ reliability, servers or network speed

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2003 - November, 2009

Jon David

Their service has really gone downhill. I used to get great uptimes, now it seems like I'm down at least once a month. Unacceptable.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2008 - May, 2009


Constantly slow loading and they aren't able to fix it, even though they respond within 20 minutes. They also refused to transfer my domain name to another host after 3 requests.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2008 - April, 2009


Uptime sucks, customer support is terrible and takes forever. The phone number is BS nobody ever answers it. The so called LIVE support is crap it's a few ppl on ICQ that don't even answer you. My website has been down for over 12 hours now with no exp

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2005 - March, 2009

kevin g

They took my money. Signed up. Canceled in less than week. Got refund. They charged me again next month. Never refunded & never responded to emails.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since December, 2008


I would stay far far away from imhosted. Servers constantly locking up and going down. So, since they don't have phone service you have to open a support ticket, which may or may not be answered in 24 hours.

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2004 - February, 2008


You Get what you pay for. I have been monitoring my server. It goes down daily. My email goes down daily. Support sometimes refuse to answer my requests. check out the

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2002 - October, 2007


No customer service and plenty of downtime!

Services Period: Past customer during June, 2003 - September, 2006


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