Infinient.Cloud Reviews

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About Infinient.Cloud

Infinient.Cloud provides high performance cloud hosting, from individuals to large businesses offering eCommerce, as well as servers, domain registrations and other Internet services. We are part of Infinient, – a group of tech business providing next generation services and products in cloud services , digital media, technology consulting, online security Our ethos are customer centric – we’re committed to providing a high quality service continuously re-investing in our infrastructure, support that never misses a beat and pricing that matches our offering. Unlike most web hosts, we own our hardware and network gear, we have co-located our infrastructure across Tier 3 & 4 data centres in India. Our engineers consist of industry veterans who have worked with some of the largest Internet brands and businesses. Experience the Infinient.Cloud, backed by our generous service level agreements and 30 Days Money Back Policy

Address: 401 4th Floor, Nizmar Centre, AB Road
Panjim 403001


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