Lightcrest Reviews

3 reviews of Lightcrest
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Horrific experience after years of use
Horrific experience.
This guy Michael is apparently in charge of their customer support ABSOLUTELY rude and knows nothing.
They mess up the server and when we reach out to them get the cold shoulder then when they respond they blame it on our application that is nothing more than a wordpress site. We thought we would give them a chance but this turned out into a nightmare a lot of waste of time and back and forth with zero results.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since May, 2016

Craig Klein

Terrible Customer Service
The worst customer service ever! We've used Rackspace, AWS and several others and LightCrest is by far the worst at helping. Every ticket gets forgotten about until we remind them. Then they act like we're inconveniencing them... Plus they're way over

Services Period: Past customer during December, 2014 - May, 2018

Lawrence Quick

amazing customer service
discovery, performing a full migration, CDN integration, Lightcrest handled it all. Couldn't be happier with my host.

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2011 - November, 2012

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