ProHoster Reviews

254 reviews of ProHoster
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very good site
It's a great location with good service. Everything is free and downloads instantly. I was able to use it according to my needs, and I was able to check support, which makes me very happy because they visited me quickly. It is immediately clear that ProHoster employees tried to make using the company's website as comfortable as possible. I was very pleased and would recommend it to everyone!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since March, 2022


fantastic site
I really like this site, especially since the site staff is always trying to create convenience for customers. If you have a problem, the support service will be happy to help you. In addition, Prohoster differs from other hosting sites in its ease of operation. If you want to host, the company will offer you low prices. As a result, you can make the most of the prices you are satisfied with. It is also one of the best sites to make money. It is important to use the site and make sure you have a clear purpose. Only then can you achieve good results

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since October, 2017


ProHoster is a great company
ProHoster is a company that provides comprehensive web hosting services, including VPS, dedicated servers, domain registration, and SSL certificates. It is focused on ensuring reliability, security, and flexibility for its clients, making it suitable for various types of projects, from small websites to large corporate applications. I like this company.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2019


excellente company
This service is really convenient. It didn't take me long to get used to the interface. Everything is clear and tidy. But the most important thing is very high speed. I have to work with a large amount of information, so speed here is required and very important. All this for a small fee. Technical support is also very efficient. I asked for help several times and got help quickly without any delay. I hope the price stays at this level, because I plan to use the service here for a long time.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2023

Eugene Bee

Excellent performance!
I heard about the hosting provider ProHoster for the first time 2 years ago, from a developer friend, and after some time I transferred first one site to them, then 3 more. Excellent performance! By the way, they have dedicated servers. The productivity of working with ProHoster has increased significantly. Uptime is very high, instant service at the first signal. Wonderful tariffs, to which are also added discounts and many useful and necessary “goodies”. Support - around the clock. I am very glad that I switched to them at the time.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since August, 2022

Mahmoud Adel

Reliable and Top-Notch Web Hosting Services
If you're in search of a web hosting provider that truly delivers on its promises, look no further than ProHoster. From the moment you sign up, you'll be impressed by their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2023

Jessica Lord

excellent service
Honestly, after this experience the service was excellent. What I like is the support because it responds quickly and respectfully.
I've been using it regularly for a long time. Thanks to those who participate.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since March, 2012


adequate support and high-quality, customer-oriented service
ProHoster is perhaps the best option for everyone looking for adequate support and high-quality, customer-oriented service. Once we were confident that met our business criteria, we immediately migrated all of our sites to it. During the period of operation (4 years), the server crashed only once, but everything was resolved almost instantly. Technical support is very responsive, they resolve issues in a maximum of ten minutes, literally day and night.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since June, 2020

Denis Tarp

Excellent service
For a really long time I tried to find an adequate host, where every money invested works out its worth, and then, one day, I ended up here. The site works, well, to be honest, with a bang. I, along with the visitors to my site, completely forgot about freezes and lags. It is worth noting the support, which here, more than anywhere else, is good. The guys respond quickly and to the point. In general, now I only use this hosting, which I recommend to everyone!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2022


ProHoster top
For me personally, this provider is currently one of the most successful. I note that this service has a very fast work with users. It should be noted the excellent technical support, which always easily copes with any problems. In addition, the cost is more than acceptable for such servers. I strongly recommend ProHoster to all users who are looking for a quality hosting provider with good service. All good use)

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since April, 2023

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