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About ServerAstra

We provide Dedicated Servers, VPS, hosting, colocation and other related services. ServerAstra is an NSP project started in 2006. Our main goal is to provide high-quality services with flexible price and upgrades. Founded as a division of Azar-A Ltd. in March 2011 within 4 years the project became the main direction of the company and it was decided to rename Azar-A to ServerAstra in 2015. Thanks to our clients, within 4 years we came to represent a significant market share and are continuing our expansive growth. Situated in Dataplex - a secure datacenter located in the heart of Central Europe - Budapest, Hungary. The datacenter features 24/7 armed guard security and CCTV, 2N+1 redundancy of the facilities (including power supply systems and conditioning), 12000 various sensors, VESDA fire detection, 24/7 expert monitoring team, ISO:9001;27001;16001;14001 certifications, 25 various telecommunication service providers and total technical area of 14400 square meters. Dataplex is capable of delivering the best possible solution for your business needs. How We Perform Our upstream connections feature peering with: Deutsche Telekom (transit & peering), TeliaSonera (transit & peering), INIT7, Verizon, Hurricane Electric, Level3, Cogent, Tiscali, RETN, NTT Communications, CTBC Telekom, TATA Communications, Abovenet, Sprint, Qwest, Savvis, AOL, AT&T, DE-CIX, AMS-IX, BIX, SIX, VIX & many more.

Address: Petrence u.66
Budapest 1158

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