Slicie LLC Reviews

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About Slicie LLC

Slicie is a new cloud web hosting company with a better approach to cloud server hosting. We believe in simplicity, and our servers at Slicie automatically adjust to your needs as they change throughout the day. Every resource adapts to your usage, and your bill reflects your actual usage at the end of each day, a true "Pay for what you use" utility billing model. Thanks to our unique approach to scaling, your server always runs smoothly, and you save big over traditional hosting plans. Our storage utilizes the best NVMEs possible, which deliver consistently high performance. Our infrastructure is backed with the world's best disaster recovery, which allows you to take, schedule, and recover backups instantly. You can instantly create a backup on-demand or schedule your backups for as often as you would like. You can instantly attach any backup to your running server, reboot your running server into any backup and browse and download your backups using a web-based file manager. Slicie is innovative and simplifies resource scaling, backups and "pay for what you use" utility will dramatically decrease your hosting costs over fixed resource hosting plan other web hosting providers offer.

Address: 18521 E Queen Creek Rd
Ste 105-206
Queen Creek AZ 85142
United States

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