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About Taison Digital

Taison Digital is offering a quality web hosting service crafted for everyone in mind, and we are not your average web hosting company. We don’t believe in offering you “unlimited plans” that actually require costly upgrades in order to meet your expectations and requirements. We believe that you should only pay for the resources that you need, period. STUDENT HOSTING http://taisondigital.com/student-web-hosting Whether you're a student who needs an awesome website to showcase your portfolio, thoughts, stories, hobbies,passions or even your online resume, something your future employees can check up! PROFESSIONAL HOSTING http://taisondigital.com/professional-web-hosting If you need an online portfolio website that reflects your profession, whether you're a chef, an architect, or an artist. Or if you are a restaurant or even a company looking to have a fast and reliable web website. Or if you are an individual looking to have your very own online store, our Professional Hosting service is exactly what you need. BUSINESS HOSTING http://taisondigital.com/business-web-hosting Our robust Business Hosting plans are built for eCommerce and flexible enough for high-traffic sites of all kinds. And if you're someone who prefers to host all your sites in one account, this is your solution. You can order our hosting plans, or check our website for more information at http://taisondigital.com/web-hosting

Address: Room 4 ,16F Fo Tan Industrial Centre
No. 26-28, Au Pui Wan Street
Shatin, 852
Hong Kong

Phone:+852 2817-2148

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