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About TuchaCloud

Our company – VPS provider offers cloud hosting solutions for business. We have been working for the international IT market since 2005. The Tucha cloud infrastructure is a fully managed virtual software environment (servers, computers, individual services) that is provided for the commercial use. Our cloud VDS hosting is running on the hardware located in the best European data-centers to ensure continuity of functioning and integrity of customer information. Our clusters consist of high performance servers, reliable storage systems and high-speed switches. We use the latest IT technologies and the extra reliable equipment. Thus the client live and work anywhere on the globe and we provide a safeness of information, data security, users’ mobility, and resource savings. Moreover, you get an improved flexibility, scalability and reliability of the cloud infrastructure. We offer fully managed Linux cloud VPS services so our clients can perform any upgrading, configuring or rearranging of their IT infrastructure automatically or manually. We offer Tucha cloud hosting services. Join us and get the best Cloud VPS hosting ever!

Address: Kyiv, Kniazhyi Zaton str., 21
Kyiv, Kniazhyi Zaton str., 21
Kyiv 02095

Phone:+380 44 583-5-583

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