Uplinkearth Reviews

8 reviews of Uplinkearth
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Ben Flores

very poor service
Have experienced significant billing and communication issues since 2009 when they became my web hosting provider. Email service has been down on multiple occasions since that date. No reasonable explanations or customer occomodation- terrible service

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since December, 2009


At the beginning this company was great, no complaints, but now it is horrible, I have already transferred my other website to another company with much better service and billing. Very difficult to deal with, my website was hacked!

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2001 - January, 2017


Tech support closes tickets without fixing the problem (aka passing the buck). Real problems are ignored. The servers are slow (esp mail) and outages are becoming frequent. Another good host company bites the dust. I don't recommend them.

Services Period: Past customer during February, 2002 - June, 2006

Stan Trujillo

I've been a customer for 3 years, and at first they were truly impressive. (Support tickets serviced within 30 minutes, 24 hours a day). Now I'm shopping for a new company. I suspect they outsourced they're tech support to save money.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2002 - May, 2005


In the beginning they cared. Now they don't. I've had numerous billing issues, network outages, ignored tickets, Hell they even screwed up dns when I switched hosts.

Services Period: Past customer during March, 2002 - March, 2005

Glenn Ray

Host was ok 3 years ago, but now if you need reliable hosting GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! UE takes days to solve simple issues and drops servers for hours for "routine maintenance". Support just doesn't exist. I hate slamming them, but they need a wakeup call.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2002 - March, 2005

Benjamin Adams


Company Response: Terrible tech support- they leave servers broken for over a week, are slow to respond, and they close tickets without fixing the problem.


The price. Above average tech support.

Company Response: Very slow! I know of 3 people hosted with UplinkEarth and all three sites are extremely slow.

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