VPS NOC Reviews

11 reviews of VPS NOC
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vpsnoc is more than just a host..
they always go beyond their way to help customers, I have unmanaged plan with them n even though its not their responsibility to setup things for unmanaged vps but they helped me setup my webserver! thank you guys for amazing support and friendly staff :)

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2011 - May, 2012


Amazing services & support!
I'd like to say that these guys rock! I've been with them for over 5 months now & have received support response within 5-20 mins of ticket submission & that is just great! as for services,I only had 1 downtime of 15 minutes which was planned maintenance!

Services Period: Past customer during December, 2011 - May, 2012

Mark Houston

You guys provide an awesome service that really does kick ass. The price is incredibly reasonable and your new setups are deployed quickly. I feel safe knowing that my server that hosts 50+ sites is simply a VM that is being backed up 24/7.


Services Period: Past customer during February, 2011 - March, 2012

Daniel Duggins

purchased my first vps 11 months ago from vpsnoc which has been running till today smoothly as ever, only had 1 downtime of about 15 minutes because of maintenance. they are stable & have very reliable support, i am very happy to have chose vpsnoc!

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2011 - December, 2011

Arif Kashif

I can only say one thing about VPSNOC that they are the best out of all! highly recommended!

Services Period: Past customer during August, 2009 - December, 2011


Been with vpsnoc.com for over 14 months now, their network is very strong and never had any downtime or network issue in this time I have been with them for. Support is a blessing trust me, they are onliny 24/7. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SERVICE FOR EVERYONE!

Services Period: Past customer during October, 2010 - December, 2011

Aaron Vlasenko

I have been a customer since september, I must agree their services are way better than any vps companies out there, I have had 0 downtimes since I moved to vpsnoc. The best thing about their services is the support! Highly recommended

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2011 - December, 2011


I've had 2 gold vps's from vpsnoc from last 7 months and their services improved recently after the company takeover, support response time averages between 10-15 minutes now. I'd highly recommend it to anyone.

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2011 - December, 2011



Their support is the worst I've ever found. They suspended my VPS cause they found a script on crontab they didn't understand. It was reporting phishing and they said I was supporting banking frauds.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since February, 2011


My VPS was barley up and their customer service is about as much help as a smack in the mouth! AVOID!

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2010 - November, 2010

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