WebHost.UK.Net Reviews

13 reviews of WebHost.UK.Net
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mark lidster

Rachel Davies
Great and speedy tech support from Rachel davies

Services Period: Past customer during January, 2008 - January, 2013

P Bernier

Great support
Great support always available. Thanks to Rachel Davies for her customer dedication , rapidity and technical expertise

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since September, 2011

Umberto Gilardi

Rachel Davies
Superb support got me up an running in no time

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since August, 2016

Bernie Raffe

Excellent support
Been with the company now for a few years, and with several hosting packages. Service has been excellent all round, and support second to none

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2013

Paul S

A good UK-based web host
I have used WebHost.UK.Net for several years, for both domains and hosting services. If ever there are technical issues, I am able to get prompt live support - which is very reassuring. I think they do an excellent job.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since February, 2013

David Wilki

Billing department
Never a problem with the service and speed of the billing department giving a refund on an automatic pay-pay payment that is set up by mistake. Great hosting provider!

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2005

Jay Johnson

Not to be trusted
Rachel Davies is the ID you get on the chat help, but it's acutally someone in another country and they don't really have too much knowledge about the technical aspects of hosting. What a shame they can't just be honest.

Services Period: Past customer during November, 2015 - November, 2015


Best web hosting serves provider
I am hosting my site with ukwebhost.net and find services to high professional standards. The staff is usually very helpful but Rachel Davies is a star.
Thank you

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since October, 2015


Great support and no down time
Been with WebHost.UK.Net for a few years now. Cannot fault the service. Excellent support, especially for someone like me that is not that great with techy stuff. Extra thanks to Rachel Davies on chat for helping me with my annoying questions.

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since January, 2013


Superb free hosting of our local tower bell-ringing website.
Charitable status qualifies for free/sponsored hosting (with few small adverts).
Impressed with reliability from day one (nearly 6 months now), FTP upload, download speeds seem pretty snappy.
Best of all is 24/7 support via online chat(I have used at 2a

Services Period: Active customer at the time of review. Customer since May, 2015

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