WireNine Reviews

4 reviews of WireNine
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ali and crew's a definite safe.


Company Response: Thank you for your feedback!

Services Period: Past customer during April, 2006 - May, 2006

Jonathan Kingsbury

I've been with many hosts over the years and I have finally, rest assured, found a host that I will be with indefinitely! The speed connection between my site and the database is phenomenal! Customer support is extremely helpful and their when you need it

Company Response: Thank you Jonathan for your feedback!

Services Period: Past customer during December, 2005 - December, 2006

Anthony Ferrara

This is one of those hosts that really stand out and make their mark. The speed and uptime is unbelievable, prices are extremely reasonable and the extras put it over the top. The customer service is 1,2,3 problem solved, great people alltogether.

Company Response: Thank you Anthony for sharing your experience with us!

Services Period: Past customer during May, 2005 - May, 2010

Phil D

Excellent hosting provider. Recommended. Superb uptime. Must do business with!

Company Response: Thank you Anthony for sharing your experience with us!

Services Period: Past customer during September, 2004 - May, 2005

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