Looks like one of the owners died
An update on what appears to be going on with Your-site: I just found an on-line obituary for one of the people I believe was an owner or principal of Your-site. Andrew Swett, whose name appeared on an email from them years ago, died 1/2/21 and from the way the obituary reads, may have been ill for awhile. Two others name I've associated with your-site also appear in the obituary: Danatone ("Danny") Swett, who the obituary implies is the owner, and Danatone's wife Danielle. But it lists those two as living in Florida. Even though Your-Site's address is in Funkstown, MD with other addresses for them in nearby Hagerstown, it does not appear any of them have lived anywhere near Hagerstown recently.
Services Period: Past customer during November, 2015 - October, 2020