Application Hosting Provider Cartika Announces IaaS Cloud Server Platform ‘Client Area APIs’

January 26, 2016
Application Hosting Provider Cartika Announces IaaS Cloud Server Platform ‘Client Area APIs’
Application hosting provider Cartika has announced the launch of client area Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for its Infrastructure-as-a Service (IaaS) cloud server platform. Cartika, which has headquarters in Toronto, Canada, was established in 2000. Alongside application hosting, the company specializes in “advanced clustering technologies”.

Cartika primarily caters to companies in North America and offers its hosting customers a “broad range of infrastructure solutions and modular add-ons” that include load balancing options alongside proactive management services and ongoing support. The company also offers the Bacula4 Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform. The introduction of client area APIs will enable users to use “their own systems” to view, manage and automate cloud resources.

APIs are protocols and routines that facilitate software development and allow programs to communicate with each other. They can also be used to manage infrastructure by allowing users to “see, change and even automate key components of their systems”. This is important to Cartika’s partners who resell its services to their clients.

“We have worked exceedingly hard this past year to make our IaaS Cloud Server Platform easier to consume, operate and manage,” explained Andrew Rouchotas, the CEO of Cartika. “The Client Area APIs were mentioned in our last update in mid-December and we wanted to start 2016 off by providing our clients and partners this exciting new level of flexibility.”

Do you know of any other companies building new APIs? Let us know the details. Add your comments below.

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