Autonomy Corporation Creates Audio Video Text Indexing Technology

February 2, 2005
February 1, 2005 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Autonomy Corporation today released a suite of new products aimed at the Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) market. Autonomy can automatically capture and index the entire video stream directly from the television, allowing content consumers to immediately locate specific clips and identify the exact content they wish to watch or listen to. This technology offers consumers the ability to create their "own" TV, allowing them to pick and mix clips as they please and eliminate material that is not of interest to them. Autonomy's new IDOL IPTV Suite allows the automatic processing and retrieval of television, video and audio content, from any source including over-the- air broadcasts and free internet content. The IPTV Suite has already been successfully implemented by Blinkx in their internet TV service at

Autonomy's IDOL IPTV Suite also can automatically identify and instantly alerts consumers to related content in the media as it appears, keeping them informed and ahead of the latest developments.

Dr. Mike Lynch, group CEO of Autonomy commented, "This product enables IPTV providers to offer today's consumers with an easier way of finding video and audio content. For the content provider Autonomy's IDOL IPTV Suite offers an automatic and cost-effective production and distribution platform. With Autonomy's IDOL IPTV Suite we have entered the next logical step in innovation, applying Autonomy's capabilities to Internet TV and video, offering broadcasters the platform to provide consumers with a revolutionary opportunity to reject their role as a merely passive audience and create their own interactive TV."

At the heart of Autonomy's software is its ability to process text, voice and video and identify and rank the main concepts within them. It then automatically categorizes, links, summarizes, personalizes and delivers that information. Autonomy's technology also drives collaboration across the enterprise and enables organizations to effectively leverage expertise. Autonomy's infrastructure technology is used to automate operations within enterprise information portals, customer relationship management, knowledge management, business intelligence and e-business applications, among others.

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