BlueTie CEO Invited to Present at Inbox/IT

May 30, 2005
May 30, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - BlueTie, Inc., a leading developer of business and carrier-class email messaging and collaboration solutions, today announced that its President and CEO, David Koretz, has been invited to present at the InBox/IT event on June 1.

InBox/IT is one of two events held annually that are specifically targeted toward email and messaging industry professionals. The Conference will focus on addressing the needs of professionals from across the messaging ecosystem that will come to meet, listen to and learn from the industry’s brightest minds.

“I am very pleased to have been invited back again this year to present at InBox,” said Mr. Koretz. “This event presents a great opportunity for industry professionals to discuss the growing complexities of managing email systems and how companies like BlueTie are leading the charge with innovative technologies and platform architecture.”

Mr. Koretz has been invited to discuss the hot button topic of outsourcing email and collaboration solutions as a featured panelist during the first day of conference programming.

The InBox/IT event will take place on June 1-2, 2005 in San Jose, CA. To register for the event or view all of the conference information, please visit

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