Bush Tries to Shut Down .xxx with Claim it 'Legitimizes' Pornography

August 17, 2005
August 17, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - ICM Registry, the company set to manage .xxx TLD has granted a one month delay in opening the domain after coming under heavy pressure from the conservative Christian president.

According to CNET, The Department of Commerce has received a paltry 6,000 letters opposing the domain which assistant secretary Michael Gallagher twists in typical Bush administration fashion into something more, "The volume of correspondence opposed to creation of a .xxx (domain) is unprecedented. Given the extent of the negative reaction, I request that the board (provide) adequate additional time for these concerns to be voiced and addressed before any additional action takes place."

The move comes as an obvious ploy to placate the president's conservative religious base of support after the war in Iraq has all but completely erroded his credibility and support among the American people.

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