June 1, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Risk alignment services provider, Comodo, announced yesterday that Dr Colin Walter will be speaking at the forthcoming 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (http://arith17.polito.it/) . Dr Walter, Comodo's Head of Cryptography, will present a paper on data leakage from multipliers during the conference at Cape Cod, 27-29 June.
His paper confirms that the hardware multiplier is indeed a major source of key leakage, but also that choosing a different multiplier can mitigate the problem. An early version of his paper can be downloaded from Comodo's research web pages at http://www.comodogroup.com/research/crypto/CDW_IEEETC_02.pdf
Speaking about the upcoming presentation, Colin remarked: Partial information about secret cryptographic keys is known to leak from most cryptographic hardware as a result of voltage, timing and EMR variations in particular. This is probably the major concern of smartcard manufacturers at the moment, far exceeding the risks posed by the possible discovery of mathematical attacks on the message I/O of cryptographic processes
Dr. Walter is internationally known for his insights into side channel leakage of secret key data and contributes regularly to the main cryptography journals and conferences. He is general chair of the next CHES conference (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems www.chesworkshop.org), which takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 August - 1 September 2005.