Comodo Open Sources Trustix Secure Linux Distro

July 21, 2005
July 21, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - While the debate rages on over Windows vs. Linux with the Penguin camp claiming victories in the areas of cost, security, and consistency and the Redmond group claiming the opposite, a new meme has been added to the data chain with Comodo going open source on their Trustix Secure Linux distribution.

Comodo today sent out a press release noting a surge in interest in Trustix Secure Linux since making the distribution freely available. A huge growth in downloads in the six weeks following the introduction of the new build confirms recent reports from independent site monitoring organizations of increased interest in the OS.
The results make encouraging reading for the international team of developers who recently took the decision to make TSL freely available to the Linux community. In recent years, the distribution had been available commercially under the name of Trustix Operating System Enterprise Server. The move, alongside a revamped community website, appears to have been met positively amongst the Linux community.

Since its inception in 1999, Trustix has established a reputation for developing secure and stable mechanisms in enterprise operating systems. Targeted specifically at the server market, patch response speeds have been amongst the quickest in the Linux world.

Melih Abdulhayoglu, President and CEO Comodo was pleased that ‘security out of the box’ is now freely available to the Linux community at large.
“Years of experience, development and expertise have been poured into making TSL the natural choice for enterprise server deployments. TSL has always been synonymous with security, stability and reliability throughout its lifetime. We have always offered cutting-edge technology, cost-effective support, innovation, and a dedication to creating the most user friendly and reliable operating system for our enterprise clients. Now, at last, users can benefit from a professionally engineered distribution without the cost of a license fee.”

The move to free licenses does not herald a dilution in either development or attention to quality, Abdulhayoglu continues,
“As a key player in the Linux operating environment, we continue to take a proactive stance in both product development and patch management to ensure Trustix continues to meet the mission critical server deployments demanded by our users. As Comodo we will bring free or easily accessible Security Oriented technology to the masses”

Trustix Secure Linux 3.0 can be downloaded from

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