Coronavirus Spurs G7CR to Offer Free Cloud Migration

March 15, 2020
Coronavirus Spurs G7CR  to Offer Free Cloud Migration
The impact of the Coronavirus has spurred Indian company G7 CR Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. (G7CR) to offer free cloud migration to assist people who may have to work from home. G7CR, which has headquarters in Bangalore, India, offers a broad range of hosting-related services but specializes in cloud and migration services, Microsoft technologies, and AI, BoT, IoT and Machine Learning options. Billing itself as “a trusted partner for your business and technology transformation”, the company is offering “Bangalore-based cloud services” to help businesses migrate from desktops to cloud computing and enable their staff to work at home “during the coronavirus crisis”.

The move is a response to Indian software and technology parks advising IT companies to permit employees to work remotely. G7CR has plenty of experience in the area of cloud transition, setting up cloud platforms for “banking, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, PSUs, education, retail and IT firms”. The company has set up a team that will assist companies with their migration from office-based systems to the cloud. They have a toll-free number for interested parties to contact them on - 1800 572 3617.

G7CR’s recent press release suggested the company’s move was prompted by authorities advising social distancing to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The release said the company would use the weight of its cloud computing experience to facilitate quick migrations that would help “businesses sustain themselves without compromising on staff safety”.

Do you know of any other companies offering free cloud migration? Let us know the details. Add your comments below.

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