DiscountASP.NET Announces Support For node.js on ASP.NET Web Hosting Platform

DiscountASP.NET Announces Support For node.js on ASP.NET Web Hosting Platform
July 24, 2012 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – DiscountASP.NET has released support for node.js on their Windows 2008 hosting platform following customer requests for the service.

The beta support will be supplied by the innovators in Windows Server hosting, for the server-side javaScript implementation on the software which was launched on Windows in November 2011.

Node.js enables developers to write client side along with a server side code in javaScript and has become increasingly popular in recent years, with 2011 seeing Microsoft announce they were working with Joynet to deploy it.

Takeshi Eto, VP Marketing and Business Development at DiscountASP.NET, commented on the implementation of support for node.js. He said; "In keeping with our mission to empower developers, we are happy to announce node.js support in our Windows hosting environment."

"We offered node.js support in our recent WebMatrix 2.0 beta labs sandbox and have received requests for making node.js generally available in our web hosting service."

About DiscountASP.NET

DiscountASP.NET is an innovative leader in hosting solutions for Microsoft developers, focused on providing the best value in ASP.NET web hosting and Team Foundation Server (TFS) hosting. A Microsoft Partner with the Gold Hosting Competency and a Visual Studio Industry Partner member, DiscountASP.NET recently launched free TFS proxy server hosting and managed TFS hosting solutions. As a leader in cutting-edge ASP.NET web hosting, DiscountASP.NET supports the latest Microsoft web stack including support for SQL Server 2012. Through strong word-of-mouth and their commitment to ASP.NET developers, DiscountASP.NET has become the choice for affordable enterprise-class ASP.NET web hosting and hosted TFS.

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