Domain Names Prove to Be Excellent Investment Opportunity

June 3, 2005
June 3, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Domain name owners from around the world gathered for a conference last week in Las Vegas to discuss strategies for developing domain names into profitable sources of revenue and valuable assets. Speakers said that they are now seeing a solid, mature increase in the value of domain names after the period of over-speculation that the dot-com industry experienced a few years ago.

The three-day TRAFFIC Conference featured presentations by venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, lawyers and Internet marketing experts who discussed numerous techniques for developing domain names into profitable websites and successful business ventures. The 230 participants also had an opportunity to discuss their portfolios and their domain names for sale.

According to one of the speakers, Stephen H. Sturgeon, a Washington, D.C. attorney, "Increasing numbers of investors are finding that domain names can be an excellent investment opportunity. Limited liability companies are being established to permit investors to joint-venture with domain owners and industry experts to increase the profitability of good domains and their websites. As the domains are developed, the revenue stream can be increased dramatically -- resulting in substantial increases in the asset value of the domain name. One extraordinary example that was discussed during the conference was the reported sale of MEN.COM for $1.3 million after it had been purchased for $15,000 four years earlier. Some other recent sales have reportedly been LOCAL.COM for $700,000, GOSPELMUSIC.COM for $150,000 and PETSUPPLIES.COM for $75,000."

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