September 2, 2006 (HOSTSEARCH.COM) Google ( is now offering visitors to its Google Book Search the opportunity to download and print classic titles. The company has scanned a number public domain books which are free from copyright and can be read online.
The thousands of books available through Google include Ferriar's The Bibliomania, 1931: A Glance at the Twentieth Century, Aesop's Fables, Shakespeare's Hamlet, Abbott's Flatland, Hugo's Marion De Lorme, Dunant's Eine Erinnerung an Solferino, Bolívar's Proclamas and Dante's Inferno.
Google has previously angered publishers and authors by scanning copy-righted items and using parts of the text in a variety of instances, particularly in searches. The company had a number of lawsuits launched against it for copyright infringement by publishers and authors concerned about losing ownerships of their works.