June 2, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Intel Corporation released an assessment of their own level of corporate responsibility today and not surprisingly the report found "an ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability is evident in its fourth annual report on corporate social responsibility efforts and results."
The goal of the recently released Global Citizenship report, titled Continuity and Commitment, is to offer a balanced summary of Intel's economic, environmental, health and safety, and social performance in 2004 and to outline the company's priorities and commitments in these areas for the future.
While it's nice to hear that Intel is at least thinking about being responsible it would be better if their 'balanced summary' was independently assessed.
The report, according to Intel, also illustrates Intel's long-standing approach to being a good neighbor in the communities in which it operates.
Our vision and strategy are to drive increasing sustainability, taking into account not only economic but environmental, community and workplace performance," said Craig Barrett, then-Intel chief executive officer, in the report. (Barrett was succeeded on May 18 by Paul Otellini.) Corporate responsibility is simply good management."
The annual report is intended to provide information to employees, shareholders, investors, analysts, customers, suppliers, government officials and the communities in which Intel operates. The text of this year's report can be viewed at www.intel.com/intel/finance/gcr04/ . In addition to the Citizenship Report, the 2004 EHS report is also available at www.intel.com/go/ehs .
"At Intel, corporate responsibility means doing what is right," said Dave Stangis, Intel's director of corporate responsibility. "It means respecting people and the world around us. It's just how we do business. The performance summarized in this report is a direct result of the expertise and dedication of thousands of Intel employees."
Highlights from the 2004 Intel Global Citizenship Report include:
Employee health and safety performance remained at world-class levels.
Global waste recycling teams exceeded their goals for 2004 by recycling more than 47,000 tons of materials and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in landfill costs.
Intel's community electronics recycling events collected more than 357,000 pounds for reuse or proper recycling.
During Intel's celebration of Global Earth Day, employees completed 41 Earth-enhancing community service projects including clean-ups, education initiatives, park renovations and recycling programs.
By the end of 2004, the Intel Teach to the Future program had trained more than 2.3 million teachers in 33 countries to use technology effectively to improve student learning.
The Intel Computer Clubhouse Network launched 13 new sites in Brazil , Jordan , Mexico , Panama and the United States , bringing the number of sites to 68 by year-end.
During 2004, Intel and its employees contributed approximately $107 million in cash gifts and in-kind giving worldwide, including a special donation to help the victims of the Asian tsunami.
Well, sounds pretty good!