InterMute Introduces Anti-Spyware Development Kit

April 5, 2005
April 5, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) - Web hosting providers may be interested to know that InterMute Inc., a leading developer of best-in-class PC protection and productivity solutions for corporations and consumers, today launched a Linux version of SpySubtract Software Development Kit (SDK) to enable technology vendors, such as security appliance manufacturers, to add anti-spyware capabilities to their security solutions.

Spyware has become a top concern for enterprise IT managers. Traditional enterprise security solutions were not designed to handle spyware threats.

Spyware programs can open up data feeds to the Internet and may pass confidential data right through traditional network defenses. Security vendors that produce corporate firewalls, anti-virus, intrusion detection, proxy servers, Web filtering, or other security software or appliances must enhance their offerings with anti-spyware capabilities to be competitive.

"Responses from companies that have begun to measure the impact of spyware indicate that it is a serious issue that is quickly becoming both a security threat and a support cost headache," stated Forrester Research Senior Analyst David Friedlander ("Antispyware Adoption in 2005," Feb. 10, 2005). "Companies will expand their use of antispyware tools significantly... 65% of firms will invest in new or additional antispyware technology in 2005... Enterprises typically face compliance requirements that make defending against spyware a more critical issue."

The SpySubtract SDK provides a fast path to integrating anti-spyware technology into existing products. InterMute's SpySubtract SDK can accelerate a vendor's time-to-market by enhancing existing security products with anti-spyware technology.

The SpySubtract engine is a powerful API (application program interface) designed to enable ISVs to add spyware detection and removal functionality to their own applications or perimeter gateway devices. The SpySubtract SDK provides a Linux shared library that adds spyware detection capability to another program.

"Time-to-market for security software is crucial," said Ed English, CEO and founder of InterMute. "Linux is one of the most popular operating systems used in network appliances, and InterMute's SpySubtract SDK is a powerful, efficient spyware-fighting tool that will help security solution developers provide more robust defenses to their customers."

The SpySubtract SDK includes sample code and examples that demonstrate how developers can quickly integrate SpySubtract into their own security applications and devices.

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