In a few short weeks HostingCon 2014 will be held. This international gathering of web hosting professionals will be a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in web hosting or conducting business in the hosting industry to get together with their fellow hosting industry experts and learn from the best. In 2013 more than 35 countries outside the United States sent representatives to HostingCon including:
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Portugal, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States Virgin Islands.
This year's event promises to be even bigger and better and also has the distinction of being the 10th anniversary of HostingCon (complete with a huge birthday bash provided by show organizers iNet Interactive). HostingCon 2014 will be held from June 16th-18th, 2014 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida. While there are many reasons to visit the show, here are the thoughts of some past attendees on why HostingCon 2014 is worth attending.
Sam Renkema, Co-founder and CEO of SpamExperts has been bringing the company from Amsterdam to exhibit and participate in HostingCon for many years. This year SpamExperts and Comodo are organizing an invite only Yacht Cruise on Tuesday, June 17th, setting sail at 7:00 p.m. aboard the luxurious Kabana Beach boat. It is certain to be a truly epic event and 'must attend' for anyone at the conference. Mr. Renkema noted that SpamExperts are a Platinum sponsor for this year's event and added these reasons for attending, ''As an email security company providing inbound and outbound email filtering, as well as email archiving targeted specifically at webhosting companies, SpamExperts is proud to have been present at HostingCon for the last six years already. HostingCon manages to mix both business and fun for the webhosting target group, allowing the conference to continue to grow every year. For SpamExperts, being visible to the industry at HostingCon has contributed significantly to the company development. We are on a constant rise to innovation and engagement for continuous growth and keeping our products at par with clients' needs. It's the right place for them to talk to us, give us feed-back, learn about the latest news, ideas and technology affecting their businesses.''
Erik Landsness has been attending HostingCon frequently over the past decade. Mr. Landsness is currently a hosting professional with Net Data Centers - a company very familiar with International customers and having data centers in Los Angeles, New Jersey, Virginia and Singapore. Here is his take on the show, ''HostingCon is, and always has been a great place to see all of the cutting edge product in the hosting space. So many new solutions to problems are being created that it can be hard to stay on top of what's out there, but HostingCon provides an excellent environment to see what's out there, discuss potential partnerships with vendors, get detailed demos, and pick the brains of some of the smartest people in the industry. I also really enjoy being able to connect with people face to face that you normally work with through email and phone interactions. The sessions shouldn't be overlooked either. There is a ton of great information that can be had by attending the breakout sessions, panel discussions and key note speeches.''
Daniel Foster with has traveled from the United Kingdom to attend HostingCon practically every year of the event. Mr. Foster added, ''While the travel can seem a bit long to visit the states, after arriving at HostingCon I always feel energized. To mingle with a crowd of business people who are exclusively devoted to web hosting is a great experience. Everyone knows what I'm talking about and has experience with the same issues that I have. Further, the opportunity to meet face to face with our larger vendors is valuable as well.''
Kevin Gold is the organizer of HostingCon 2014 with iNet Interactive and added this, ''HostingCon is the premier industry conference and trade show for hosting and cloud providers. This year's event is going to be the biggest and best HostingCon ever! We have a number of new features this year including the Business Connections sessions. The purpose of these new sessions is help facilitate introductions between full conference attendees wanting to explore specific product and service solutions with exhibitors providing those solutions. We also have three panels of particular interest this year. One will discuss security and privacy issues in the post Snowden era including key players from i2c and industry attorneys. The other is all about security and includes CEOs of web/cloud security sector. Finally we have an entire panel of CEOs from some of the largest companies in the industry to discuss the state of the industry and it's future.''
To learn more about HostingCon including the agenda for speakers, a floor plan of the exhibitors or if you'd like to register to attend, please visit: