Level 3 Signs Multi-Year VoIP Deal with America Online

March 9, 2005
March 9, 2005 - (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – Level 3
Communications, Inc. today announced that America Online, Inc. has signed a multi-year agreement to use Level 3 as the underlying network provider for its new Internet phone service.

"We have a long-standing relationship with America Online built on a firm foundation of partnership between the companies in which Level 3 has been one of AOL's key suppliers of network services for the past several years," said Level 3 CEO Jim Crowe. "We're very pleased that AOL selected Level 3 as its network partner for what promises to be an innovative Internet phone service for this rapidly emerging market."

"As a major player and pioneer in IP services, including Voice-over-IP, Level 3 Communications has been a great partner for AOL as we get ready to launch a new generation of Internet phone services to both our members and our partners in the cable and cellular industries," said John McKinley, President of AOL Digital Services and Chief Technology Officer of America Online, Inc.
"Level 3 has provided us with the VoIP infrastructure we need to offer a fully-featured service with a solid nationwide footprint, E-911 capability and Local Number Portability."

The AOL service uses a customized version of Level 3's consumer-oriented VoIP services. Level 3 offers a broad portfolio of VoIP services that allow its customers to reduce or avoid some of the typical upfront investments required to build and manage a VoIP service.

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