Managed Hosting Provider ServInt Adding Nearly One-Half Petabyte of Storage Capacity to VPS Cloud

June 23, 2010
June 23, 2010 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – ServInt, a pioneering provider of managed web hosting for businesses worldwide, today announced it is significantly increasing disk-space resources - by nearly one-half petabyte - for its Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting packages. The enhancement is the latest in a series of infrastructure upgrades deployed by ServInt, all of which have been provided to existing customers at no charge.

ServInt Founder and Chief Executive Officer Reed Caldwell said, "To see how ServInt differs from other web hosts, look no further than this announcement. Today, we're not only implementing a massive service upgrade across our popular VPS packages, we're also extending this upgrade to all our customers, past and present, at no additional charge."

Caldwell continued, "When clients order a ServInt VPS or SuperVPS, they aren't just getting a server, they're getting a promise that they'll always have a powerful, cutting-edge solution powering their business. This service enhancement is a fulfillment of that promise. In some instances, we nearly doubled our customers' available disk space - and it won't cost them a penny more."

As before, this disk space is provided on powerful RAID arrays with industry-leading performance, augmented by free backups.

New customers will have immediate access to the enhanced service offerings. ServInt's engineering staff already has begun implementing the disk-space increases for existing customers, and anticipates having all VPS customers up and running in the enhanced packages within 90 days. This upgrade will not require any effort or involvement from ServInt customers.

About ServInt

ServInt is a pioneering provider of high-reliability, managed web hosting for businesses worldwide. ServInt's commitment to Green IT services is demonstrated by its award-winning Virtual Private Server (VPS) solutions. ServInt was founded in Northern Virginia in 1995 as one of the first web-hosting companies to offer a Managed Dedicated Server solution. From multiple world-class data centers, ServInt now provides its scalable suite of VPS and Managed Enterprise Server packages to thousands of customers in more than 60 countries.

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